Aqara wireless mini switch WXKG20LM

This documentation was generated from: xiaomi_wxkg20lm_mini_switch.json

status Silver
product Aqara wireless mini switch WXKG20LM
modelid lumi.remote.acn007
manufacturername LUMI

1. ZHASwitch

Endpoint: /sensors

Top level attributes

id String Identifier of the resource, unique within an endpoint. R
lastannounced ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp of the last power-cyle or rejoin. R
lastseen ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp of the last communication. R
manufacturername String "LUMI" R
modelid String "lumi.remote.acn007" R
name String Name of the resource. RW
swversion String Firmware version of the device. R
type String "ZHASwitch" R
uniqueid String Unique identifier of the resource. R
swversion String Firmware version of the device. R
type String "ZHASwitch" R
uniqueid String Unique identifier of the resource. R

Config attributes

battery UInt8 The current device battery level in 0–100 %.

Default: 0

devicemode String Mode of the Hue wall switch module with possible values 'singlerocker', 'singlepushbutton', 'dualrocker', 'dualpushbutton'. Xiaomi devices have possible values of 'compatibility' and 'zigbee', but DO NOT CHANGE UNLESS YOU KNOW EXACTLY, WHAT YOU'RE DOING

Default: compatibility

group String comma seperated list of groups which a device controls.

Default: auto

on Bool When true the sensor is enabled in rules.

Default: true

reachable Bool When true the device is assumed to be operational. R

State attributes

buttonevent UInt32 The last received button event. R
lastupdated ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp when state was last updated. R