Parkside Smart Watering Timer (HG06875)

This documentation was generated from: hg06875.json

status Gold
product Parkside Smart Watering Timer (HG06875)
modelid TS0601
manufacturername _TZE200_htnnfasr

1. On/Off output

Endpoint: /lights

Top level attributes

id String Identifier of the resource, unique within an endpoint. R
lastannounced ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp of the last power-cyle or rejoin. R
lastseen ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp of the last communication. R
manufacturername String "_TZE200_htnnfasr" R
modelid String "TS0601" R
name String Name of the resource. RW
swversion String Firmware version of the device. R
type String "On/Off output" R
uniqueid String Unique identifier of the resource. R

State attributes

on Bool True when device is on; false when off.

Default: 0

reachable Bool When true the device is assumed to be operational. R

2. ZHAOpenClose

Endpoint: /sensors

Top level attributes

id String Identifier of the resource, unique within an endpoint. R
lastannounced ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp of the last power-cyle or rejoin. R
lastseen ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp of the last communication. R
manufacturername String "_TZE200_htnnfasr" R
modelid String "TS0601" R
name String Name of the resource. RW
swversion String Firmware version of the device. R
type String "ZHAOpenClose" R
uniqueid String Unique identifier of the resource. R

Config attributes

battery UInt8 The current device battery level in 0–100 %.

Default: 100

duration UInt16 The duration the valve stays open. RW
locked Bool Read: frost lock status. Write: frost lock reset.

Default: 0

on Bool When true the sensor is enabled in rules.

Default: true

reachable Bool When true the device is assumed to be operational. R

State attributes

open Bool True when open is detected. R
lastupdated ISO 8601 timestamp Timestamp when state was last updated. R
seconds_remaining UInt32 The remaining time the valve is open in seconds.

Default: 0