
Rules provide the ability to trigger actions of lights or groups when a specific sensor condition is met.

Create rule 

POST /api/<apikey>/rules

Creates a new rule.


actions Array (1–8) An array of actions that will happen when the rule triggers. required
action.address String path to a light, group or scene resource required
action.body Object Parameters that will be send to the resource formated as JSON. required
action.method String Can be PUT, POST or DELETE. required
conditions Array(condition) (1–8) The conditions that must be met to trigger a rule. required
condition.address String path to a sensor resource and the related state required
condition.operator String eq, gt, lt, dx (equals, greater than, lower than, on change). required
condition.value String The value the operator is compared with. Will be casted automatically to the corresponding data type. required
name String The name of the rule. required
periodic Number Specifies if the rule should trigger periodically. 0 = trigger on event; >0 = time in ms the rule will be triggered periodically. Default is 0. optional
status String The status of the rule, either "enabled" or "disabled". Default is "enabled". optional

Example request data

    "actions": [
            "address": "/groups/0/action",
            "body": {
                "on": true
            "method": "BIND"
    "conditions": [
            "address": "/sensors/1/state/buttonevent",
            "operator": "eq",
            "value": "1"
    "name": "Switch button 1 all lights On/Off"

This will create a binding between a switch and the On/Off Cluster of all Lights of the group 0.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[ { "success": { "id": "1" } } ]

Response fields

id String The unique identifier of the new rule.

Possible errors

400 Bad Request

403 Forbidden

Get all Rules 

GET /api/<apikey>/rules

Returns a list of all rules. If there are no rules in the system then an empty object {} will be returned.




HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "1": {
        "actions": [
                "address": "/lights/1/state",
                "body": {
                    "on": true
                "method": "BIND"
        "conditions": [
                "address": "/sensors/2/state/buttonevent",
                "operator": "eq",
                "value": "4"
        "created": "2016-07-04T14:17:12",
        "etag": "9bd1fcc627001458ea88c8742e61c692",
        "lasttriggered": "none",
        "name": "Sensor: 2 EP:4 On/Off",
        "owner": "AD4F14F244",
        "periodic": 0,
        "status": "enabled",
        "timestriggered": 0
    "2": {
        "actions": [
                "address": "/groups/0/action",
                "body": {
                    "on": false
                "method": "PUT"
        "conditions": [
                "address": "/sensors/5/state/buttonevent",
                "operator": "eq",
                "value": "34"
                "address": "/sensors/5/state/lastupdated",
                "operator": "dx"
        "created": "2016-07-05T13:36:52",
        "etag": "0fb118418fa77116052f74fb129a648b",
        "lasttriggered": "none",
        "name": "0x0000000000402483[Rule1]",
        "owner": "AD4F14F244",
        "periodic": 0,
        "status": "enabled",
        "timestriggered": 0

Response fields

The whole rule object as descripted in Get rule.

Possible errors

403 Forbidden

Get rule 

GET /api/<apikey>/rules/<id>

Returns the rule with the specified id.




HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "030cf8c1c0025420f3a0659afab251f5"

    "actions": [
            "address": "/lights/1/state",
            "body": {
                "on": true
            "method": "BIND"
    "conditions": [
            "address": "/sensors/2/state/buttonevent",
            "operator": "eq",
            "value": "4"
    "created": "2016-07-04T14:17:12",
    "etag": "9bd1fcc627001458ea88c8742e61c692",
    "lasttriggered": "none",
    "name": "Sensor: 2 EP:4 On/Off",
    "owner": "AD4F14F244",
    "periodic": 0,
    "status": "enabled",
    "timestriggered": 0

Response fields

actions Array An array of actions that will happen when the rule triggers.
action.address String path to a light, group or scene resource
action.body Object Parameters that will be send to the resource formated as JSON.
action.method String Can be PUT, POST or DELETE.
conditions Array The conditions that must be met to trigger a rule.
condition.address String path to a sensor resource
condition.operator String eq, gt, lt, dx (equals, greater than, lower than, on change).
condition.value String The value the operator is compared with. Will be casted automatically to the corresponding data type.
created String Timestamp when the rule was created.
etag String HTTP etag which changes whenever the rule is changed.
lasttriggered String Timestamp when the rule was last triggered.
name String The name of the rule.
owner String The owner of the rule.
periodic Number Specifies if the rule should trigger periodically. 0 = trigger on event; >0 = time in ms the rule will be triggered periodically.
status String The status of the rule, either "enabled" or "disabled".
timestriggered Number Times the rule was triggered.

Possible errors

403 Forbidden

404 Not Found

Update rule 

PUT /api/<apikey>/rules/<id>/

Update a rule with the specified parameters.


actions Array (1–8) An array of actions that will happen when the rule triggers. optional
conditions Array (1–8) The conditions that must be met to trigger a rule. optional
name String The name of the rule. optional
periodic Number Specifies if the rule should trigger periodically. 0 = trigger on event; >0 = time in ms the rule will be triggered periodically. Default is 0. optional
status String The status of the rule, either "enabled" or "disabled", the default is "enabled". optional

Example request data

  "actions": [
            "address": "/lights/1/state",
            "body": {
                "bri": 1
            "method": "BIND"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "030cf8c1c0025420f3a0659afab251f5"

        "success": { "/rules/1/actions":
                "address": "/lights/1/state",
                "body": {
                    "bri": 1
                "method": "BIND"

Possible errors

400 Bad Request

403 Forbidden

Delete rule 

DELETE /api/<apikey>/rules/<id>

Delete a rule.




HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "030cf8c1c0025420f3a0659afab251f5"

[{ "success": "1"}]

Possible errors

400 Bad Request

403 Forbidden

404 Not Found