
Groups are useful to control many lights at once and provide the base to use scenes.

A “All” group is generated by the REST API by default and add all light in it. This group is avaliable at “/api//groups/0” but his ID is not always “0”; In that case the group is also avaliable at “/api//groups/65520”.

Create group 

POST /api/<apikey>/groups

Creates a new empty group.


name String The name of the new group required

Example request data

{ "name": "Garage" }


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[ { "success": { "id": "3" } } ]

Response fields

id String The unique identifier of the group.


Creating a group with a name which already exists will not create a new group or fail. Such a call does only return the id of the existing group.

Possible errors

400 Bad Request

403 Forbidden

Get all groups 

GET /api/<apikey>/groups

Returns a list of all groups.


The “All” group (id=0) with all devices is not returned in this list.




HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "1": {
        "action": {
            "bri": 0,
            "ct": 500,
            "effect": "none",
            "hue": 0,
            "on": false,
            "sat": 0,
            "xy": [ 0, 0 ]
        "devicemembership": [],
        "etag": "0b32030b31ef30a4446c9adff6a6f9e5",
        "hidden": false,
        "id": "1",
        "lights": [ "3","42","43" ],
        "lightsequence": [ "42","43","3" ],
        "multideviceids": ["2"],
        "name": "Livingroom",
        "scenes": [
            { "id": "1", "name": "warmlight" }
        "state": {
            "all_on": false,
            "any_on": false
    "2": {
        "action": {
            "bri": 50,
            "ct": 500,
            "effect": "none",
            "hue": 0,
            "on": true,
            "sat": 0,
            "xy": [ 0, 0 ]
        "devicemembership": ["3"],
        "etag": "030cf8c1c0025420f3a0659afab251f5",
        "hidden" : false,
        "id": "2",
        "lights": [ "3","42","43" ],
        "lightsequence": [ "42","43","3" ],
        "multideviceids": ["2"],
        "name": "Kitchen",
        "scenes": [
            { "id": "1", "name": "warmlight" }
        "state": {
            "all_on": true,
            "any_on": true

Response fields

The whole group object as descripted in Get group attributes.

Possible errors

403 Forbidden

Get group attributes 

GET /api/<apikey>/groups/<id>

Returns the full state of a group.




HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "0b32030b31ef30a4446c9adff6a6f9e5"

    "action": {
        "bri": 0,
        "ct": 500,
        "effect": "none",
        "hue": 0,
        "on": false,
        "sat": 0,
        "xy": [ 0, 0 ]
    "devicemembership": [],
    "etag": "0b32030b31ef30a4446c9adff6a6f9e5",
    "hidden": false,
    "id": "32772",
    "lights": [ "3","42","43" ],
    "lightsequence": [ "42","43","3" ],
    "multideviceids": ["2"],
    "name": "Livingroom",
    "scenes": [
        { "id": "1", "name": "warmlight" }
    "state": {
        "all_on": false,
        "any_on": false

Response fields

action Object The last action which was send to the group.
action.on Bool true if the group was turned on.
action.alert String

Temporary alert effect.

  • "none" — group's lights is not performing an alert
  • "select" — group's lights is blinking a short time
  • "lselect" — group's lights is blinking a longer time
action.bri Number (0–255) Brightness of the group. Depending on the lights 0 might not mean visible "off" but minimum brightness.
action.colormode String

The current color mode of the group's lights:

  • "hs" — hue and saturation
  • "xy" — CIE xy values
  • "ct" — color temperature
action.hue Number (0–65535) The hue parameter in the HSV color model is between 0°–360° and is mapped to 0–65535 to get 16-bit resolution.
action.sat Number (0–255) Color saturation there 0 means no color at all and 255 is the greatest saturation of the color.
action.ct Number (153–500) Mired color temperature. (2000K–6500K)
action.xy Array CIE xy color space coordinates as array [x, y] of real values (0–1).
action.effect String Dynamic effect:
  • none - no effect
  • colorloop
action.scene String | null Last scene called
devicemembership Array A list of device ids (sensors) if this group was created by a device.
etag String HTTP etag which changes on any action to the group.
hidden Bool Indicates the hidden status of the group. Has no effect at the gateway but apps can uses this to hide groups.
id String The id of the group.
lights Array A list of all light ids of this group. Sequence is defined by the gateway.
lightsequence Array A list of light ids of this group that can be sorted by the user. Need not to contain all light ids of this group.
multideviceids Array A list of light ids of this group that are subsequent ids from multidevices with multiple endpoints like the FLS-PP.
name String Name of the group.
scenes Array A list of scenes of the group.
state Object The state of the group.
state.all_on Bool true if all lights of the group are on.
state.any_on Bool true if any light of the group is on.
type String The type of the group. LightGroup by default
  • LightGroup
  • Luminaire
  • Lightsource
  • Room
class String The class of the group, only for "Room" groups.
  • Attic
  • Balcony
  • Barbecue
  • Bathroom
  • Bedroom
  • Carport
  • Closet
  • Computer
  • Dining
  • Downstairs
  • Driveway
  • Front door
  • Garage
  • Garden
  • Guest room
  • Gym
  • Hallway
  • Home
  • Kids bedroom
  • Kitchen
  • Laundry room
  • Living room
  • Lounge
  • Man cave
  • Music
  • Nursery
  • Office
  • Other
  • Pool
  • Porch
  • Reading
  • Recreation
  • Staircase
  • Storage
  • Studio
  • TV
  • Terrace
  • Toilet
  • Top floor
  • Upstairs

Possible errors

304 Not Modified

403 Forbidden

404 Not Found

Set group attributes 

PUT /api/<apikey>/groups/<id>

Sets attributes of a group which are not related to its state.


name String (0–32) The name of the group optional
lights Array IDs of the lights which are members of the group. optional
hidden Bool Indicates the hidden status of the group. Has no effect at the gateway but apps can uses this to hide groups. optional
lightsequence Array Specify a sorted list of light ids that can be used in apps. optional
multideviceids Array Append the subsequential light ids of multidevices like the FLS-PP if the app should handle that light differently. optional

Example request data

    "name": "Living Room",
    "lights": [ "1", "4" ]


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "000bf36b51ef3324446c98hdf6a6ace6"

    { "success": { "/groups/1/name": "Living Room" } },
    { "success": { "/groups/1/lights": [ "1", "4" ] } }


In order to add or remove lights to the group the lights must be powered on.

Possible errors

400 Bad Request

403 Forbidden

404 Not Found

503 Service Unavailable

Set group state 

PUT /api/<apikey>/groups/<id>/action

Sets the state of a group.


on Bool Set to true to turn the lights on, false to turn them off. optional
toggle Bool Set to true toggles the lights of that group from on to off or vice versa, false has no effect. **Notice:** This setting supersedes the `on` parameter! optional
bri Number (0–255) Set the brightness of the group. Depending on the lights 0 might not mean visible "off" but minimum brightness. If the lights are off and the value is greater 0 a on=true shall also be provided. optional
hue Number (0–65535) Set the color hue of the group. The hue parameter in the HSV color model is between 0°–360° and is mapped to 0–65535 to get 16-bit resolution. optional
sat Number (0–255) Set the color saturation of the group. There 0 means no color at all and 255 is the highest saturation of the color. optional
ct Number (153–500) Set the Mired color temperature of the group. (2000K–6500K) optional
xy Array Set the CIE xy color space coordinates as array [x, y] of real values (0–1). optional
alert String Trigger a temporary alert effect:
  • none - lights are not performing an alert
  • select - lights are blinking a short time
  • lselect - lights are blinking a longer time
effect String Trigger an effect of the group:
  • none - no effect
  • colorloop - the lights of the group will cycle continously through all colors with the speed specified by colorloopspeed
colorloopspeed Number (1–255) Specifies the speed of a colorloop. 1 = very fast, 255 = very slow (default: 15). This parameter only has an effect when it is called together with effect colorloop. optional
transitiontime Number Transition time in 1/10 seconds between two states. Note that not all states support a transition time. For example, a transition time when setting
will be ignored as the Zigbee On and Off commands do not support transition times. In general, light attributes that support a range of values support transition times, while boolean values do not.

Example request data

  "on": true,
  "bri": 180,
  "hue": 43680,
  "sat": 255,
  "transitiontime": 10


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "030cf8c1c0025420f3a0659afab251f5"

    { "success": { "/groups/1/action/on": true   }},
    { "success": { "/groups/1/action/bri": 180   }},
    { "success": { "/groups/1/action/hue": 43680 }},
    { "success": { "/groups/1/action/sat": 255   }}

Possible errors

400 Bad Request

403 Forbidden

404 Not Found

503 Service Unavailable

Delete group 

DELETE /api/<apikey>/groups/<id>

Deletes a group.




HTTP/1.1 200 OK

[ { "success": { "id": "1" } } ]


In order to delete the group and therefore remove all lights from the group the lights must be powered on.

Possible errors

403 Forbidden

404 Not Found

503 Service Unavailable