This endpoint allows to retrieve and modify the current configuration of the gateway.
Acquire API key ¶
POST /api
Creates a new API key which provides authorized access to the REST-API.
The request will only succeed if the gateway is unlocked or valid HTTP basic authentification credentials are provided in the HTTP request header see authorization.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
devicetype | String (0–40 chars) | Name of the client application. | required |
username | String (10–40 chars) | Will be used as username. If not specified a random key will be generated. | optional |
Example request data¶
"username": "988112a4e198cc1211",
"devicetype": "my application"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
[ { "success": { "username": "988112a4e198cc1211" } } ]
Possible errors¶
Delete API key ¶
DELETE /api/<apikey>/config/whitelist/<apikey2>
Deletes an API key so it can no longer be used.
Possible errors¶
Get configuration ¶
GET /api/<apikey>/config
Returns the current gateway configuration.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "203941fel3ds8ad61903224"
"apiversion": "1.16.0",
"bridgeid": "00212EFFFF00C5FB",
"devicename": "ConBee II",
"dhcp": true,
"fwversion": "0x26660700",
"gateway": "",
"ipaddress": "",
"linkbutton": false,
"localtime": "2020-06-29T14:00:40",
"mac": "74:46:a0:9e:92:c7",
"modelid": "deCONZ",
"name": "deCONZ-GW",
"netmask": "",
"networkopenduration": 60,
"ntp": "synced",
"panid": 56889,
"portalservices": false,
"proxyaddress": "",
"proxyport": 0,
"rfconnected": true,
"swupdate": {
"notify": false,
"text": "",
"updatestate": 0,
"url": "",
"swversion": "2.6.0",
"timeformat": "12h",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"UTC": "2020-06-29T12:00:40",
"uuid": "a65d80a1-975a-4598-8d5a-2547bc18d63b",
"websocketnotifyall": true,
"websocketport": 23765,
"whitelist": {},
"zigbeechannel": 20
Response fields¶
Field | Type | Description |
apiversion | String | The version of the deCONZ Rest API |
bridgeid | String | The unique identifier for the gateway. |
devicename | String | The product name of the gateway. Valid values are "ConBee", "RaspBee", "ConBee II" and "RaspBee II". |
dhcp | Bool | Whether the IP address of the bridge is obtained with DHCP. |
fwversion | String | The current Zigbee firmware version. |
gateway | String | IPv4 network gateway of the gateway. |
ipaddress | String | IPv4 address of the gateway. |
linkbutton | Bool | true if the gateway is unlocked. |
localtime | String | The localtime of the gateway |
mac | String | MAC address of the gateway. |
modelid | String | Fixed string "deCONZ". |
name | String | Name of the gateway. |
netmask | String | Network mask of the gateway. |
networkopenduration | Number (1–65535) | The duration in seconds used by lights and sensors search, see Modify configuration. |
ntp | String | Only for gateways running on Linux. Tells if the NTP time is "synced" or "unsynced". |
panid | Number (0–65535) | The Zigbee pan ID of the gateway. |
portalservices | Bool | This indicates whether the bridge is registered to synchronize data with a portal account. |
proxyaddress | String | Not supported |
proxyport | Number | Not supported |
rfconnected | Bool | Is true when the deCONZ is connected with the firmware and the Zigbee network is up. |
swupdate2 | Object | Contains information related to software updates. |
swversion | String | The software version of the gateway. |
timeformat | String | Stores a value of the timeformat that can be used by other applications. "12h" or "24h" |
timezone | String | Timezone used by the gateway (only on Raspberry Pi). "None" if not further specified. |
UTC | String | Current UTC time of the gateway in ISO 8601 format. |
uuid | String | UPNP Unique Id of the gateway |
websocketnotifyall | Bool | When true all state changes will be signalled through the Websocket connection (default true). |
websocketport | Number | Port of the Websocket server. |
whitelist | Object | An array of whitelisted API keys. |
zigbeechannel | Number | The current wireless frequency channel used by the Gateway. Supported channels: 11, 15, 20, 25. |
Possible errors¶
Get full state ¶
GET /api/<apikey>
Returns the full state of the gateway including all its lights, groups, scenes and schedules.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "203941fel3ds8ad61903224"
"config": {
"dhcp": true,
"gateway": "",
"ipaddress": "",
"linkbutton": true,
"mac": "E0:69:95:58:06:7F",
"name": "RaspBee GW",
"netmask": "",
"portalservices": false,
"proxyaddress": "",
"proxyport": 0,
"swupdate": {
"notify": false,
"text": "",
"updatestate": 0,
"url": ""
"swversion": "1.12.3",
"UTC": "2013-05-22T12:02:30",
"whitelist": {}
"groups": {
"1": {
"action": {
"bri": 3945,
"colormode": "hs",
"ct": 500,
"effect": "none",
"hue": 0,
"on": true,
"sat": 17680,
"xy": [0.0610457, 0.219979]
"devicemembership": [],
"etag": "893f60b611274d1803207298cf26b1e1",
"hidden": false,
"lights": [ "1" ],
"lightsequence": [ "1" ],
"multideviceids": [],
"name": "Office",
"scenes": [
"0": {
"id": "1",
"name": "blue moon"
"lights": {
"1": {
"etag": "030cf8c1c0025420f3a0659afab251f5",
"name": "Desk Lamp",
"modelid": "FLS-PP-01",
"pointsymbol": {},
"swversion": "14010400",
"type": "Color Dimmable Light",
"state": {
"on": true,
"bri": 190,
"hue": 21672,
"sat": 254,
"ct": 500,
"alert": "none",
"colormode": "hs",
"effect": "none",
"reachable": true,
"xy": [ 0.805343, 0.000612754 ]
"schedules": {
"1": {
"autodelete": false
"command": {
"address": "/api/AD4F14F244/groups/2/scenes/1/recall"
"body": {}
"method": "PUT"
"etag": "3dea322b33d34a9134e5632706448f8f"
"name": "Good Morning"
"status": "enabled"
"time": "W124/T05:00:00"
"sensors": {
1: {
"config": {
"on": true
"reachable": false
"etag": "01252de8b14f62a234a4680827cf1609"
"manufacturername": "dresden elektronik"
"mode": 2
"modelid": "Lighting Switch"
"name": "Lighting Switch 1"
"state": {
"lastupdated": "2016-06-29T13:16:41"
"swversion": "1.0"
"type": "ZHASwitch"
"uniqueid": "0x00212effff00a6bc"
"rules": {}
Response fields¶
Field | Type | Description |
config | Object | Configuration of the gateway. |
groups | Object | All groups of the gateway. |
lights | Object | All lights of the gateway. |
rules (as from deconz version > 2.04.12) | Object | All rules of the gateway. |
schedules | Object | All schedules of the gateway. |
Possible errors¶
Modify configuration ¶
PUT /api/<apikey>/config
Modify configuration parameters.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
discovery | Bool | Set gateway discovery over the internet active or inactive. | optional |
groupdelay | Number (0–5000) | Time between two group commands in milliseconds. | optional |
lightlastseeninterval | Number (1–65535) |
Sets the number of seconds where the timestamp for "lastseen" is updated at the earliest for light resources. For any such update, a seperate websocket event will be triggered. Default: 60 |
optional |
name | String (0–16 chars) | Name of the gateway. | optional |
networkopenduration | Number (1–65535) | Sets the lights and sensors search duration in seconds. | optional |
otauactive | Bool | Set OTAU active or inactive. | optional |
permitjoin | Number (0–255) | Open the network so that other zigbee devices can join. 0 = network closed, 255 = network open, 1–254 = time in seconds the network remains open. The value will decrement automatically. | optional |
rfconnected | Bool | Set to true to bring the Zigbee network up and false to bring it down. This has the same effect as using the Join and Leave buttons in deCONZ. | optional |
timeformat | String | Can be used to store the timeformat permanently. It can be either "12h" or "24h". | optional |
timezone | String | Set the timezone of the gateway (only on Raspberry Pi). Format: tzdatabase e.g. “Europe/Berlin” Wikipedia:ListOfTimeZones | optional |
unlock | Number (0–600) | Unlock the gateway so that apps can register themselves to the gateway (time in seconds). | optional |
updatechannel | String | Set update channel ("stable"|"alpha"|"beta"). | optional |
utc | UTC | String | Set the UTC time of the gateway (only on Raspbery Pi) in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss). For historical reasons both "utc" and "UTC" are supported as key. | optional |
zigbeechannel | Number (11|15|20|25) | Set the zigbeechannel of the gateway. Notify other Zigbee devices also to change their channel. | optional |
websocketnotifyall | Bool | When true all state changes will be signalled through the Websocket connection (default true). | optional |
Example request data¶
"zigbeechannel": 25
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ETag: "203941fel3ds8ad61903224"
"success": {"/config/zigbeechannel": 25 }
Possible errors¶
Update software ¶
POST /api/<apikey>/config/update
Returns the newest software version available. Starts the update if available (only on Raspberry Pi).
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success": {
"/config/update": "2.04.05"
Update firmware ¶
POST /api/<apikey>/config/updatefirmware
Starts the update firmware process if newer version is available.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success": {
"/config/updatefirmware": "26050500"
Possible errors¶
Reset gateway ¶
POST /api/<apikey>/config/reset
Reset the gateway network settings to factory new and/or delete the deCONZ database (config, lights, scenes, groups, schedules, devices, rules).
Field | Type | Description | Required |
resetGW | Bool | Set the network settings of the gateway to factory new. | optional |
deleteDB | Bool | Delete the Database. | optional |
At least one parameter is required!
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success": {
"/config/reset": "success"
Possible errors¶
Change password ¶
PUT /api/<apikey>/config/password
Change the Password of the Gateway. The parameter must be a Base64 encoded string of <username>:<password>
Field | Type | Description | Required |
username | String | The user name (currently only “delight” is supported). | required |
oldhash | String | The Base64 encoded combination of “username:old password”. | required |
newhash | String | The Base64 encoded combination of “username:new password”. | required |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"success": {
"/config/password": "changed"
Possible errors¶
Reset password ¶
DELETE /api/config/password
Resets the username and password to default username = “delight” and password = “delight”. The request can only succeed within 10 minutes after gateway start.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK